Microbiome Seed Grant

The Microbiome Seed grant has been altered to be a part of the Tri-Institutional Partnership Microbiome Initiative joint seed funding program. Download new RFA at the bottom of the page, or visit the competition website directly. Contact: microbiomemail@ucdavis.edu

The Microbiome Special Research Program (SRP) and the UC Davis Office of Research are pleased to announce a new call for proposals for seed projects in the area of microbiome research. The Microbiome SRP aims to facilitate interdisciplinary and innovative research in microbiome science at UC Davis through creating and fostering collaboration and communication between researchers interested in microbiome science. The seed grant is intended to create new research collaborations centered on microbiome-focused research at UC Davis.

This call is open to all disciplines performing research in microbiome science, including but not limited to: biological sciences, engineering, agriculture, medicine, veterinary medicine, food science, environmental science, soil science, social science, statistics, earth and planetary science, and any other discipline with the potential to make clear contributions to microbiome research. Proposed research must be centered around “microbiomes” (i.e., communities of microbes). Thus, other types of research (e.g., microbiology work not focused on communities of microbes in some way) will not be considered.

Preference will be given to proposals that:

  • Create new and interdisciplinary collaborations between researchers in different schools or colleges within UC Davis.
  • Present novel areas of focus for microbiome research at UC Davis.
  • Demonstrate sustainability of research and show a clear plan to apply for specific extramural funding support.
  • Have potential for significant societal impact


  • Applicants must have Principal Investigator (PI) status at UC Davis (collaborators do not need PI status and may be outside entities) 
  • Applicants are permitted to be key personnel (PI, CoPI, etc) on only one application per year.

Award Details

Awards may be used to cover reasonable research-related travel expenses, and associated research expenses (e.g. research supplies, publication costs, etc.). Funds may not be used to cover student tuition. However, student stipends are allowed if properly justified in the narrative and budget.

Post-award Requirements

  • Awardees will be required to submit 12-month progress reports to the Microbiome Special Research Program
  • At the conclusion of the project, a written final progress and expenditure report must be submitted
  • The final report should include information about the work done under the project as well as any products (publications, data, collaborations, etc)